Episode 32: Intro to Peds Anesthesia Part 2 – Physiology and Pharmacology Considerations
Super High Yield Anesthesia! - A podcast by Scott the 4th Year Med Student
In this episode we will discuss unique physiology considerations for the pediatric patient and review its implications on pharmacodynamics
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the components of fetal circulation and the transition to neonatal circulation
- Describe the unique aspects of pediatric physiology, particularly the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, GI, and hematopoietic systems
- State how pediatric physiology affects pharmacodynamics
Show Notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1phpsqYaGuBvhc9IJxMygOYAbBm3awO/view?usp=sharing
Website: https://superhighyieldanesthesia.wordpress.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Super-High-Yield-Anesthesia-Podcast-100627875164137
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