Beware The Big Buts

superSIXX/Learn to Live - A podcast by David Ripley - Tuesdays


On your journey of achieving success in life, one of the most powerful enemies you face is the big but.  I'm talking about big but with one t, not the one with two t's, as in big rear-end. You know the but I'm talking about..."I would like to be successful, but."  "I was going to do that, but."  "I would like to do this, but."  Your world is full of big buts that get in the way of your success. In this episode we'll consider all those big buts that prevent you from achieving success.  The ones that cause you to not take an action that could benefit you.  The ones that cause you to take an action that will be detrimental to you.  And, most importantly, we'll consider the biggest, most powerful, but that can change your life for the better. Join me as we look at the world of big buts.