Six Harsh Truths

superSIXX/Learn to Live - A podcast by David Ripley - Tuesdays


Reality is unchangeable.  You can change your perception of it, but you cannot change it.  Fortunately, if your perception is off by a little, you still may function fairly well.  However, the underlying truth is, reality is reality; and if you don't understand it reasonably well, you are going to seriously struggle to find success in life. How many people do you know who reject reality and substitute their own?  How many of these people are actually succeeding in life?  The answer to these two questions is this...Most people seem to reject reality and substitute their own version truth.  For that reason, most people lead very unsuccessful lives. In this episode we'll consider six harsh truths that you must acknowledge and understand in order to achieve success.  Now, remember that my definition of a successful life has nothing to do with wealth and status.  It has everything to do with finding your own true purpose and deep fulfillment.    Though these six truths may seem to be harsh; once you understand them you realize that reality really couldn't work any other way.  Learning to flow with reality instead of trying to fight it, is the first important step on your journey in life.