Stop Trying To Be An Individual

superSIXX/Learn to Live - A podcast by David Ripley - Tuesdays


For the past sixty years there has been a societal push to elevate the individual.  This well intentioned, but critically flawed, initiative has resulted in the ME generation.  Putting yourself first.  We've lost sight of the important fact that no man is an island.  We must live lives of service to something greater than ourselves.  To do otherwise is to create a world of chaos and misery. No society can survive if greater emphasis is placed on the individual than on the whole of society.  A life well lived is full of sacrifice; done willingly, driven by a heart of service. However, there must be a balance between self and service.  You are a unique individual and we never want to lose sight of that fact.  Serving a greater purpose does not mean giving up your uniqueness.  It just means having the maturity and wisdom to recognize that it's not all about you. Join me as we consider the role a person of value plays in order to create a great society that offers purpose and meaning to the individual.