What's The Point

superSIXX/Learn to Live - A podcast by David Ripley - Tuesdays


The most basic question anyone can ask themselves is...What's the point?  Allied with this question are many others surrounding it.  Why am I alive?  What's the purpose of my life; is there a purpose?  Who decides what my purpose is?  How can I understand my purpose?  Where does purpose come from?  In order to find the right answers, you must first ask the right questions.  From this perspective, if you accept the dichotomy, the foundation this question rests upon is this...Either life is totally random and, therefore, has no point; or life is not random and , Therefore, does have a point. Join me as we consider the reason to believe that there most certainly is a point to your life.  In this episode I'll explain why it makes sense to believe there is a point to your life and how you can figure it out.