When Your Past Self Condemns Your Future Self

superSIXX/Learn to Live - A podcast by David Ripley - Tuesdays


You've heard the old axiom that life is pain.  While true to a point, life doesn't have to be just pain; and for most of us, it isn't.  But, pain is still there, even in the best of times, lurking in the nearby shadows.  Keeping pain to a minimum is a reasonable goal.  the older, and hopefully wiser, you become, the more salient that goal becomes.  One of the big problems, however, is that many seeds of pain have been planted long ago; in your past.  It may not bear fruit until later in life. That's the topic of this episode.  Understanding how past actions, or inactions, condemn your future to one extent or another.  Certainly, everything you've done in your past will send ripples out into the future; not only impacting others, but yourself as well.  Your future self is out there somewhere, waiting for that ripple created in the past to reach you.