004 - Simon Black: Your Uncertain Times Backup Plan?

Survival Dad Podcast with Buck Rizvi - A podcast by Survival and self-reliance enthusiast Buck Rizvi interviews Tim Schmidt, Tim Larkin & James Schramko on Self Defense, Prepping, Bushcraft & Online Business Building!


In this episode of Survival Dad, Buck is joined by Simon Black, the founder of Sovereign Man, who shares his views on the current financial situation of the United States and discusses the warning signs of an impending financial downturn. 

Simon also talks about personal privacy and how not only governments, but other institutions can easily track your online communication and financial decisions.

According to Simon, it’s more important than ever before to have a Plan B. He describes how you should divide up your investments to avoid investing in only one type of asset, and that you should consider relocating to another country that can support your desired lifestyle, but at a lower cost.