Donald Trump is a Terrorist & Religiosity is to Blame
Survival Mode - A podcast by Zeda Grace

I started writing this on January 6th, a particularly tragic day in United States history. If you’re just tuning in, my name is Zeda Grace. I would kiss your asses a bit more if I cared about catering to the masses over getting to the important things, but right now, on my farm just outside of DC, I’ve been listening to military aircrafts flying overhead all day from the various bases (way more than usual) and I already had the patience for humanity’s stupidity that Ezma in The Emperor’s New Groove had, long before I started this show, so we’re just jumping in. A few episodes ago, I opened with the introduction of how podcasting in quarantine felt like the group of radio sleuths conducting “Potterwatch” in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Unfortunately, with the current situation of death eaters (white supremacists) led by Lord Voldemort (Donald Trump) that is storming Hogwarts (the Capitol) and being ALLOWED IN BY FEDERAL OFFICERS… all the while the President of the United States, our incorrigible cunt of a dictator (again, Donald Trump) has denied the DC Mayor’s request for mobilization of the National Guard. It’s important to point out he previously denied coordination of a police force for this rally in general, spoke in front of these domestic terrorists and QUOTED THAT HE WILL NOT LEAVE THE OFFICE DURING HIS SPEECH AT THIS RALLY IN AN ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW AN OVERWHELMINGLY SECURE ELECTION IN A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Yet, he mobilized federal police and the entire police in the DMV, along with the National Guard, for remarkably peaceful Black Lives Matter protests over the summer in 2020. Not to mention, because DC is not a state, thus they do not have a governor, only a mayor, they cannot mobilize the National Guard on their own. The department of defense, and thus, Donald Trump, as most officials who disagreed with him over the last four years have resigned and left their posts honorably, only to subsequently be replaced with “yes men” who endorse and support his policies, was therefore responsible for mobilizing the National Guard at the Mayor’s request. Which, again, Trump DENIED. This is just another reason to discuss validating the statehood of DC. Where is the “no taxation without representation” crowd from the 1760’s and 1770’s? It’s almost like revolutions were started around that. Wild. Last I checked, the Virginia Governor had deployed the Virginia National Guard to distill the Trump supporting crowd that was effectively let in to the Capitol and through the barriers by the same police force who tear gassed and shot rubber bullets at peaceful BLM protestors all summer. I guess that $750 billion defense budget doesn’t protect our nation’s capital or the validation of a secure election. Every single one of the members of his administration, every single judge he’s placed, every single federal agent he put forth, every single person who has voted in favor of his maneuvers or continued to support him in any kind of political position needs to be temporarily removed and for full-scale investigations to take place, along with questioning and reassessment of their ability to continue in their duties with sound judgment for refusing to condemn his behavior. For actively supporting it. For encouraging it. For stoking the flames. This is disgusting. You all are unfit to uphold the Constitution or “democracy” in any way. There must be consequences and WHOLE SCALE accountability. …Let’s start with Amy Coney Barrett. Kidding! I’ll get to her. Just not today. Which reminds me…I know January 20th is less than 2 weeks away, but are we really gonna force ourselves to continue to carry to term