"Horse Girls" Aren't Weird... You're just an American
Survival Mode - A podcast by Zeda Grace

Hello one and all, welcome to the New Year, 2021, which most Americans probably used to facilitate the spread of a family of highly mutable viruses and we just want to pop champagne and forget that we’re permitting global decimation and bioterrorism in the name of “Celebration”. VERY, VERY American thing to do, if you ask me. I love the USA, too, guys. I was just raised by a colonel in the US army who fought in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. Experienced the beautiful skirting of the Geneva Convention that was Agent Orange in the name of “Democracy”. He went to / taught at West Point Military academy as well as achieving the status of a “Knight of the Italian Republic” while at the Italian War Army College. My grandpa spent his entire later years devoted to endlessly researching everything he was taught. Our farm land, once lived on by the Zekiah Tribe, he used to regrow the Appaloosa horse population. Every time we plowed those tobacco fields, he unearthed arrowheads and other signs of civilized life (you know, from before mass organization by the federal government of rehoming/virally murdering entire populations) and built a historical trust to relearn and re-educate the people. Specifically from a non-white and solely pro-USA viewpoint. In fact, he went through this huge phase where he bought $2 million worth of stone from a company going out of business and hired my uncle’s construction company to build patios, roads, whatever we wanted (I asked for a castle, unfortunately I did not get it). When he learned the swastika had been used for hundreds of years by the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, amongst others and was a symbol of “good luck” prior to Hitler’s pathetic cultural appropriation 101, he built several stone sauwastika’s all over our farm. He enjoyed the idea that people would be confused, ask him, and he could explain. In a “reclaiming the tradition” type thing. All this ACTUALLY did was make people think we were Nazis. …You’d think someone who was a rooftop watcher during the Blitz in London would’ve thought about that. I believe true “patriotism” means always wanting your country to be the best version of itself. If this is what you all think is the “best” version of the USA? A country so focused on individualism and personal achievement that we don’t care when those people are assholes climbing out of the pits of their despair by stepping on the heads of those around them, versus working Patcha and Kuzco style to propel each other out of the pit? Do fucking better. You might not always know “right” from “Wrong” but you DO know when something ISN’T “right”. Stop defending the 100 different failed ways you tried to design a lightbulb and how about we work towards achieving the way that’ll work most efficiently and pragmatically, while also being environmentally friendly. How about that? Anyways, weird intro. You all should expect that by now. While this is very meta-, (I think that’s the word) talking directly to you, I also want to give a special shout out to my listeners or readers in Germany and the United Kingdom. Let’s all have a moment of peace for the people who come across this and think it is representative of the average “American” woman. While I may have matched my Kirsten the American Girl Doll and gone to one room schoolhouses in full cosplay, I have since accepted it is my purpose on this earth to wreak havoc to all of the indoctrinated beliefs we once held near and dear. It is how I channel my frustration at the lack of accountability or acknowledgment for the mass casualty events occurring daily with seemingly no awareness for the weapon of biochemical warfare that is the coronavirus. Do you all not thi