Survival of the Kindest: Sue Merriman - We Need to do Something

Survival of the Kindest - A podcast by Compassionate Communities UK


Often when we think of communities coming together we talk in grand terms about organising, and being motivated by compassion, and it can be hard to pin point what that looks like in more granular, and day-to-day terms. Sue Merriman, and the community of Brereton embody this. Sue talks to Julian about how the community response to COVID grew naturally out of people such as herself, who saw others who were struggling, and stepped up. Recently Brereton was the first to become an accredited Compassionate Community, and throughout this episode it is not hard to see why. From the way they have spent their lottery grant, contacting nearly every member of the area to find out what they want, to sitting with people in their last and lonely moments during covid, this is a community built on one and other, and that runs thanks to the compassion of its members, and its organisers. Brereton Million Twitter Website