049 Biofermenting Food Waste into Plant Food
Sustainability Now - exploring technologies and paradigms to shape a world that works - A podcast by Mira Rubin & Scott Bille

With a long and distinguished career in microbiology, Mike Cox is an inventor as well as the Founder and CEO of Anaerobe Systems, a microbiology manufacturing and research company. While developing a process to produce hydrogen from biomass, a happy “accident” led Mike to the invention of a miracle “plant food” and fertilizer. What’s beautiful about Mike’s solution is that the feedstock for his fertilizer is food waste, or as he’s brilliantly rechristened it: food grade fuel. With food waste being one of the greatest contributors to CO2 emissions, how elegant to use that waste to feed plants and restore the soil. Not to mention that hydrogen is essentially a “free” byproduct of the process. All this and a lucrative business model to boot!