Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

Symphony Podcast - A podcast by Symphony


"Relying upon experience from a single domain is not only limiting, it can be disastrous."- David Epstein  On today's show Kyle talks with Sumeedhaa Kothari about how the book, Range and how to embrace a wide array of life-giving activities. As it turns out, a single individual with a broad skill set will outperform the team  of highly specialized experts with the same knowledge. Breadth > depth breeds creativity and lateral thinking.  You do not need to have read the book to enjoy this conversation. However, if you are interested you can get a copy here: https://davidepstein.com/the-range/ Thanks for taking the week off with  us last week to celebrate Independence Day. Drop us a message with any show suggestions, topics, or guests you want to see featured!  Sumeedhaa is on InstagramPowered by AreteAdaptogens.comEnter promo code, "symphony" at checkout to support the pod and support yourself :)