Stop Apologizing for Existing

Symphony Podcast - A podcast by Symphony


How often do we unconsciously apologize? What is your initial reaction when someone bumps into you at the grocery store on accident? If you’re like many of us, “oh, sorry!” Is the first thing that comes out of your mouth. In this weeks episode, Matthew and Kyle examine how consistent unconscious apologizing can negatively impact your trajectory. We appreciate you coming to check out the pod and if you like what you hear, a review on your podcast app really helps! Also, we mentioned last week that we want to set up a few in person events this summer. Hit us up if you'd like to stay in the loop. We're brewing some fun stuff up! Have a productive and life-giving week.<3, The Symphony SquadPowered by AreteAdaptogens.comEnter promo code, "symphony" at checkout to support the pod and support yourself :)