You Have One Life, Live It - Mara Chaben

Symphony Podcast - A podcast by Symphony


Mara Chaben joins the Symphony crew today to talk mindset, entrepreneurship, meditation, yoga, overcoming hardship, and the importance of learning. Mara is the founder of Zen Stop, a school bus built out to be a mobile meditation studio for companies, schools, and events. Mara shares perspective shaping stories from her life and her journey building Zen Stop. She opens up about her entrepreneurial path, and weighs in on the importance of mindfulness and meditation. To stay up to date with Mara and Zen Stop, follow them on social @marachaben and @zenstop. Listen to their guided meditation on Spotify Enjoy the show!Powered by AreteAdaptogens.comEnter promo code, "symphony" at checkout to support the pod and support yourself :)