853: The State of Frontend
Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats - A podcast by Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers

Scott and Wes dive into the State of Frontend 2024 Survey, breaking down the latest trends, tools, and frameworks shaping the developer ecosystem. Tune in as they react to hot takes on frameworks, state management, hosting, and what’s next for frontend devs! Show Notes 00:00 Welcome to Syntax! 00:53 Brought to you by Sentry.io. 01:15 About the survey. Follow along! State of Frontend Survey 02:10 Frameworks. 06:15 Rendering frameworks. 07:35 State management. 09:14 Other libraries. Just: Dependency-free Utilities. 13:34 Data. Syntax Episode 453. Syntax Episode 833. 16:39 Hosting. AWS Amplify. 19:51 Continuous Integration. 21:30 Micro-frontends. 23:25 Package Managers. pnpm Link Workspace Packages. Corepack. 28:35 JS Runtimes. 29:47 Typescript. 33:13 Browser Technologies. 35:05 What is app property? 38:20 Progressive Web Apps. 40:11 Styling tools. 43:17 Testing. 45:39 Code editors. 49:02 Build tools. 49:17 Linting tools. 50:26 Operating systems. 51:17 The future trends. 54:14 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs. Sick Picks Scott: Candle Warmer. Wes: Flighty iOS App. Shameless Plugs Scott: Syntax on Bluesky Hit us up on Socials! Syntax: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Wes: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Scott: X Instagram Tiktok LinkedIn Threads Randy: X Instagram YouTube Threads