Daggerheart Open Beta Actual Play | Episode 3: Back Petal

tabletopnotch - A podcast by tabletopnotch - Tuesdays

An all ages, 1 hour version of tabletopnotch's Daggerheart campaign! Featuring Jordan McDonough (the Game Master), Dejen Tesfagiorgis (Serrecor), Jeffrey Robb (Tykan), Caroline Lux (Sprig), Kelley Heyer (Ella), and Brandon Cobalt (Ally). Character art by Olivebranche on the tabletopnotch Discord! Become a tabletopnotch Spotify subscriber to get access to the full episodes, plus the character creation session! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tabletopnotch/subscribe Background music courtesy of several talented TTRPG artists, including...ASKII https://askii.bandcamp.comDreyma www.youtube.com/@DreymaComposer/Ian Fisher https://www.tabletoprpgmusic.com/Steven Lynn https://www.stevenlynnmusic.com/Maps & Melodies https://www.patreon.com/mapsandmelodiesJohn Bartmann https://johnbartmann.com/Tabletop Audio https://tabletopaudio.com/Will Savino https://wsavino.com/Michael Ghelfi Studios https://michaelghelfistudios.com/...and more!You can view our master list of attribution here: https://bit.ly/3zuNC33 This product was created using the Darrington Press Community Gaming License. The Daggerheart Open Beta Materials are owned and copyrighted by Darrington Press, LLC. All rights reserved.This product is based on the following Public Game Content created and owned by Darrington Press: Daggerheart Open Beta Materials, Darrington Press, LLC, 2024, available at daggerheart.com