Brewing tea over a stove 围炉煮茶

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


Drinking tea is often considered a calming experience, but it can also be very social and festive here in China. Join us in this episode of Takeaway Chinese as we dive into a series of tea culture activities that are known for their jolly and fun spirit, including "围炉煮茶," or brewing tea over a stove! A: Wǒ tīngshuō Zhōngguó yǒu yīzhǒng hěn tèbié de xiūxián fāngshì, jiàozuò "wéilú zhǔchá". 我听说中国有一种很特别的休闲方式,叫做“围炉煮茶”。 I heard that there's a very special leisure activity in China called "brewing tea over a stove". B: Shì a. Xiǎngxiàng yīxià, zài yīgè yōuxián de xiàwǔ, hé sānwǔ hǎoyǒu wéizuò zài yīqǐ, liáotiān, hēchá, chī yīxiē xiǎo língshí… 是啊。想象一下,在一个悠闲的下午,和三五好友围坐在一起,聊天、喝茶,吃一些小零食…… Yes. Just imagine, on a leisurely afternoon, sitting together with a few friends, chatting, drinking tea, and having some snacks... A: Gǎnjué fēicháng wēnxīn, shūshì, wǒmen yě yīqǐ qù tǐyàn yīxià bei! 感觉非常温馨、舒适,我们也一起去体验一下呗! It sounds very sweet and cozy. Let's go experience it together! B: Dāngrán kěyǐ! 当然可以! Sure!