Mobile payment 移动支付

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Nǐ zěnme chūmén dōu bùdài qiánbāo le? 你怎么出门都不带钱包了? Are you going out without bringing your wallet? B: Dàizhe shǒujī jiù xíng. 带着手机就行。 I'm taking my phone. Xiànzài dàochù dōu néng yòng shǒujī zhīfù, ānquán yòu biànjié. 现在到处都能用手机支付,安全又便捷。 Nowadays, you can use mobile payment everywhere. It's safe and convenient. A: Yídòng zhīfù de fāzhǎn jiǎnzhí tài kuài le! 移动支付的发展简直太快了! The development of mobile payment is truly fast! B: Shì a, bùguò huà shuō huí lái, wǒ fāxiàn zìjǐ zài wúxíng zhīzhōng hǎoxiàng yě zēngjiā le bùshǎo zhīchū. 是啊,不过话说回来,我发现自己在无形之中好像也增加了不少支出。 Yeah, but on the flip side, I've noticed that I seem to be spending more without even realizing it.