Traditional Chinese painting vs. watercolor painting 中国画vs.水彩画

Takeaway Chinese - A podcast by China Plus


A: Wǒ juéde guóhuà hé shuǐcǎi huà kànqǐlái yǒudiǎnr xiàng. 我觉得国画和水彩画看起来有点儿像。 I feel that traditional Chinese paintings and watercolor paintings look somewhat alike. B: Shì yǒuxiē xiāngsì, tāmen dōu xūyào yòng shuǐ lái tiáohé yánliào. 是有些相似,它们都需要用水来调和颜料。 They do share some similarities. Both require the use of water to mix pigments. Dàn yě yǒu bùtóng zhī chù! 但也有不同之处! But there are also differences! A: Shì a. Guóhuà zhùzhòng yìjìng, shuǐcǎi huà gèng kànzhòng sècǎi hé guāngyǐng de biànhuà. 是啊。国画注重意境,水彩画更看重色彩和光影的变化。 I can tell. Traditional Chinese paintings emphasize the artistic feel, while watercolor paintings focus more on the colors and the variations of light and shadow. B: Bùguò, huà hǎo tāmen dōu xūyào shēnhòu de gōngdǐ! 不过,画好它们都需要深厚的功底! However, mastering either of them requires a tremendous amount of practice!