05 | Building a business as a postpartum doula, with Sami Stewart

Tales From The Fourth Trimester - A podcast by Naomi Chrisoulakis


Becoming a postpartum doula is exciting, daunting, wonderful and overwhelming, and in this conversation with preconception, pregnancy and postpartum doula Sami Stewart (https://www.theholddoulaco.com/) we talk about the highs, lows and lessons. Tune in to hear us talking about finding a new calling, the ins and outs of getting a business up and running, imposter syndrome and finding confidence, building relationships with other doulas (and being mentored by me), finding clients and the parallels between birthing a baby and birthing a business. This episode is sponsored by Newborn Mothers, the postpartum professional training that both Sami and I did. If you're interested in doing the course, I offer a free 30 minute mentoring call if you use my affiliate link to do so! Here's my link, and please get in touch if you have any questions.