263: Catherine White on the seeds of ideas
Tales of a Red Clay Rambler: A pottery and ceramic art podcast - A podcast by Ben Carter
Today on the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler Podcast I have a lecture from Catherine White. She talks about the intuitive process, where ideas come from and how they shift as they come to fruition. She also describes the development of her dust prints and the visual relationship between ceramic form and written language. To find out more about Catherine visit www.catherinewhite.com. The lecture was given at the Cultural Confluence Wood Fire Symposium, held in Helena, MT in October 2018. Hey Red Clay Rambler fans, I want to take a minute to talk to you about our sustaining membership program. As we head into 2019, I want to appeal to you directly to help us meet our new goal of having 120 patrons by April 1st. I’m asking you to make a $5 pledge today at patreon.com/redclayrambler. That’s only $1.25 per episode to help me document the field of ceramics. This new goal will help me record interviews with Canadian artists on my upcoming trip in April. If you prefer you can make a one-time donation through the Pay Pal portal at www.talesofaredclayrambler.com. If you have been thinking about getting involved don’t wait any longer. Every dollar helps, and no donation is too small. Thanks again for supporting the podcast!