Talk Heathen 04.41 10-11-2020 with Eric Murphy and Thomas Westbrook

Talk Heathen - A podcast by Atheist Community of Austin - Sundays


Greetings Heathens! It’s another Sunday, time for more talking with heathens. In today’s episode of Talk Heathen, Eric Murphy is joined by The Holiest of Koolaids, Thomas Westbrook. Let’s get to calls! Itto from Arkansas would like to talk about how suffering is not good evidence for one’s faith or evidence for a god. Yep, we agree! Christian in Wisconsin is up next, he would like to talk about Thomas’ video about the perception from Theists that Atheism will be the downfall of nations and society. Thomas really gets into summarizing his research and how interesting it is. Go check it out!Chris in California, is wondering about how to label himself and claims he is an agnostic theist. Relies upon his “gut” feelings to rationalize a God belief and is also claiming he is convinced that a God exists.Kevin in New York, is wondering about prophecy and the book of Enoch. Luckily Thomas loves this sort of conversation and jumps right in. Eric finally asks, are there physical giants in the world today and were they around historically. Kevin keeps talking about and pointing to the Bible to justify his faulty claims. Except we don’t accept the Bible as an authority for this claim though. This is a really interesting conversation, it gets a little heated.Sven in Washington would like to talk about how he is also an agnostic theist and how morality is defined from a humanist perspective. Dayana in Lebanon is curious about experiences she has had that seemed supernatural. How can we explain these occurrences? Thomas talks about science and how these minor hallucinations can happen because of our flawed biology. Interesting!Kelly in California would like to talk about logic as a construct. Here we go… Eric loves this sort of conversation and really excels at talking about it. Check it out if you’re interested in a more philosophical talk about the laws of logic. That’s our show for this week, please continue to be safe in your area, wear your mask. The world is better with you in it. See you next week!Become a supporter of this podcast: