Talk Heathen 08.02 with Jimmy Jr. and Kelley Laughlin
Talk Heathen - A podcast by Atheist Community of Austin - Sundays

For our Talk Heathen episode today, Jimmy Jr. and Kelley Laughlin work through calls of objective morality while misgendering Jesus as the Branch of the Old Testament.Slavic in CO wants to discuss freelance awareness of consequences and how that applies to objective morality. How is objective morality defined? Morality can never be subjective because there are so many ways to define objective morality. We justify doing things that are considered immoral by having reasons to consider these things moral. How do we make sure that we are not harming people in ways that we did not think about? If you treat others with respect and dignity, you are more likely to get that back from others. We don’t need a god or religion for that. Do you always know if an action is a bad action before you do it?The Blind Limey in TX asks how to define rational and reasonable evidence when some thoughts can be wrong, yet rationalized internally. You can rationalize all kinds of bad ideas as we have seen throughout history. There can also be all kinds of reasons to justify bad actions. Rationalizing a religious view can seem logical to one person but illogical to another that is not of that view. Ace in the USA, wants to talk about how Jesus is the Branch in the Old Testament. This is not a platform for you preaching or using holy scripture to get us to believe. Can you tell us what you want us to believe without using the Bible? We need to find evidence outside the Bible to show us that the Bible is actually true. How do you know that anyone ever saw Jesus do miracles? How could a claim be made when no one knows who these people were? To say that everyone believes that Jesus did miracles is factually incorrect.Nate in CA wants to let us know that Jesus has been misgendered because Mary was the only case that has reproduced asexually, and therefore Jesus should be female, if we take what the Bible says is true. This is an interesting point of view, but we doubt many Christians will accept that Jesus is a clone of her mother. Why couldn't the magical being that impregnated Mary, have just made the baby any gender?Karen, Jimmy’s sister from NY says that her ideology is not that different from her brother’s because she does not believe in any or all of the writings in the Bible. Bad behavior and being a devout Christian are not incongruent if this means following what the Bible says precisely. Jimmy can appreciate how Karen has grown to not need the theoretical pistol held to her. JImmy’s intent is to not hurt people’s feelings, but to do what is right for him. Karen appreciates Jimmy’s honesty and intelligence. Thank you for tuning in this week! Our Talk Heathen to Me of the Week is: Why did Jimmy Jr. make the face shown on the screen @16:54?Become a supporter of this podcast: