說故事 Story | # 6 | 小王子 The Little Prince

Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby - A podcast by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活 - Wednesdays


Learn Chinese with The Little Prince #6: Chapter 16 - 20 睡不著嗎?唸我最愛的經典故事《小王子》給你聽- 第16 - 20章 ► Get the Scripts:  https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin ► Improve your Chinese reading and listening skills with the eBooks and audiobook: https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/ebooks/ ► Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/fkus_jnTdZo ► Buy me a coffee to support me 請我喝杯咖啡 https://ko-fi.com/abbychen ► Instagram : @TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.podcast https://instagram.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.podcast *If you enjoy my podcast, please give me a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts 如果你喜歡我的節目,請給我留下五顆星⭐ Short Story for Mandarin Learners|Chinese Bedtime story | 睡前故事  Powered by Firstory Hosting