82. 去跳舞吧 Learning Dance in Taipei ft. Olga

Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby - A podcast by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活 - Wednesdays


📕 Improve your Chinese reading skills with Abby's Chinese Graded Reader: talktaiwanesemandarin.com/lost-in-translation/ Olga talks to Abby about her experience with learning Swing dance in Taipei. They also discuss the dance scene in Taiwan. Olga分享了她學Swing(搖擺舞)的經驗。 ► Get the full transcripts on my Patreon ► Buy me a coffee to support me 請我喝杯咖啡:贊助這個節目 ⭐ Thanks to my Patrons for supporting this podcast: Collin, James, Leon, Rhys, Lauren Powered by Firstory Hosting