Taiwanese Folktale:The Tiger Aunt 虎姑婆 | Chinese Graded Reader

Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby - A podcast by Real Life Mandarin 台灣 |文化 |旅行|生活 - Wednesdays


🎉 I just published our first Chinese Graded Reader:⁠ The Tiger Aunt! It's based on the famous Taiwanese folk tale - The Grandaunt Tiger(虎姑婆 Hǔgūpó). Most Taiwanese people grow up hearing this story.⁠  🌟Get the eb ook/audiobook : https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com/books/ ► Listen with subtitles on YouTube Timestamps: (00:00) Intro  (00:29) Why did I start to write Chinese graded reader? 為什麼我開始寫graded reader  (01:18) What is this story about 故事簡介  (03:10) Reading aloud chapter 2 of the book 唸第二章  (06:50) Where to get ebook and audiobook 那裡買 ► Support me on my Patreon  ► Join my FREE newsletter  ► Buy me a coffee 請我喝杯咖啡:贊助這個podcast! ► Follow me on: YouTube Channel: Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby Instagram: @TalkTaiwaneseMandarin.podcast Facebook: Talk Taiwanese Mandarin with Abby  Powered by Firstory Hosting