How to Manage Vloggers and Influencers for Dealers and OEM's

Talking Automotive with Mark and John - A podcast by John


If you're a car dealer or OEM, you know that social media is key to marketing. And one of the best ways to reach your audience is through influencers and vloggers. But it can be difficult to manage these relationships, especially when you're just getting started and don't have much experience working with them. So how do you ensure that your influencer and vlogger efforts are successful? First, set goals and targets for your campaign. Then hold the influencers accountable for meeting those goals by setting up a schedule of posts and other content they'll be creating over a certain period of time. You should also choose your influencers carefully; make sure they're a good fit for your business as well as an effective presence online. Tie their involvement in your campaign to one of your prime marketing areas (like customer service or driving experience). And don't just give them a free car—include reciprocal activities like giving them access to exclusive events so they can create even more engaging content around them!