East Ruston Old Vicarage January Special

Talking Dirty - A podcast by Get Gardening - Wednesdays


It's been quite a brutal start to the year, but that hasn't stopped East Ruston Old Vicarage from turning out some showstoppers this winter! From bulbs in the garden to shrubs under glass, Alan Gray shares some of the plants bringing him joy in the garden. Plus updates from behind the scenes. And, of course, some FLOMO*!

*FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out


Fuchsia 'Lottie Hobby'

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Englander'

Crocus sieberi 'Ronald Ginns'

Solanum laxum 'Crèche du Pape'

Griselinia littoralis

Lathyrus grandiflorus

Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins'

Pittosporum tobira 'Variegatum'

Pittosporum tobira 'West Acre Gold'

Reinwardtia indica

Scilla bithynica

Primula meadia