Mal O'Brien's Discovery Journey, 24.1 Picks, and Can Invictus Keep the Affiliate Cup Green

Talking Elite Fitness - A podcast by Tommy Marquez & Sean Woodland - Thursdays

Mal O'Brien recenly made the decision to sit out the 2024 season. She talks with Lauren Kalil about working on discovering who she is, what her perfect day looks like, when she started feeling like she needed to step away from competing, and what it's been like taking up surfing. Sean, Lauren and Tommy talk through the headlines of the week and give their predictions for who will prevail in 24.1. CrossFit Invictus has a unveiled a new super team last week. Tommy talks with Josh Al-Chamaa about how Chandler Smith and Lauren Fisher got involved, and how they stay motivated after achieving the ultimate goal in the team competition at the CrossFit Games. This episode is presented by Thirdzy. Use the link below to save 20% and improve your sleep and recovery.