Prof. Karen Strassler - Images and Politics

Talking Indonesia - A podcast by Talking Indonesia

Please note that this episode discusses gender violence that some people may find disturbing or triggering. Listener discretion is advised. Images have always played an important role in Indonesia, not just in everyday life, but also in its ever-changing political landscape. Terms like pencitraan (political image building) are commonly heard during election season. On social media, buzzers actively attempt to shape the public image of various social and political issues. Meanwhile, posters of murdered human rights activist Munir Said Thalib have become almost as iconic as the man himself. What role do images play in political life in Indonesia? How do the public consume political imagery? Why do certain images gain political significance? In Talking Indonesia this week, Dr Annisa Beta discusses these questions and more with Karen Strassler, Professor of Anthropology at the City University of New York. Professor Strassler's work focuses on the social lives and political work of images, looking into the relationship between visuality and political imaginaries. Her recently published second book, "Demanding Images: Democracy, Mediation, and the Image-Event in Indonesia", investigates how public images affected the political arena during the turbulent period of political upheaval and technological transformation following the fall of Soeharto. Image source: jendoelhadisantosa