Ending bad relationships, navigating mean girls, and finding our confidence

Talking Out Loud with Danae - A podcast by Danae Mercer

Erika Cramer, The Confidence Coach, talks to us about love, confidence, and the power of our minds. From abusive relationships (and never ending up in one again) straight on through to turning our toughest moments into our deeper strengths, Erika discusses it all. Tune it to hear about changing our bodies with self love, not hate, and the power of exploring our thoughts.Topics covered: How getting that 'perfect body' doesn't automatically result in self love and confidenceWhy we end up in bad relationships (from friendships to toxic bosses)Why we can't always control our mind, but we can choose what we believe The power of realizing everything we think isn't trueWhy journalling is amazing Body image concerns and how changing ourselves with love, not hate, is critical Mean girl bullying and how to handle it(Also my mic hated me in this episode. Ya girl is still learning, but we'll get better x.)Where to find Erika: instagram.com/erikacramer thequeenofconfidence.com/