Ep 256 | 2 Nephi 20-25, Come Follow Me 2024 (March 4-10)
Talking Scripture - A podcast by Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Wednesdays
→ Watch Mike’s 6 Minute Overview of 2 Nephi 20-25 with pictures and maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=USXH7A_vmx0 → Watch this full episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch? embed=no&v=d5ydNvuXf_4 → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2023/12/2-nephi-20-25-podcast-ep-256-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(06:33) Hezekiah’s stand against the Assyrian army invites us to have courage to hold to what is right, no matter how formidable the enemy is.(14:35) Isaiah predicts that “A Rod will come forth out of the Stem of Jesse.”(21:26) The Fall Festival included a ceremony involving the drawing of water. In the millennial day all will praise the Lord.(22:32) Isaiah invites us to stay true in captivity.(24:01) Lucifer will be cast out.(32:20) Isaiah discusses Babylon as a power in these early chapters, not just in Isaiah 40-55. (33:42) Two more tips to help us understand and find more relevance in Isaiah. Tip #4: Be filled with the Spirit and ask the Lord for help. Tip #5: Recognize that Isaiah’s words will be of great worth to those in the last days.(35:39) Nephi gives 12 predictions about the Jewish people, the seed of Joseph, and the Gathering of Israel in the last days. Nephi sees that everything is about Christ, the Holy One of Israel. → Bryce Dunford’s Institute classes are now available on podcast apps. Sign up here: http://brotherdunford.org/ → Enroll in Institute: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/institute?lang=eng → YouTube → Apple Podcasts → Spotify → Amazon Music → Facebook