Ep 257 | 2 Nephi 26-30, Come Follow Me 2024 (March 11-17)

Talking Scripture - A podcast by Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Wednesdays

→ Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?embed=no&v=wqOVdxycDUQ → Detailed Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2023/12/2-nephi-26-30-podcast-ep-257-show-notes/ → Time Stamps: (00:00) An overview of these chapters.(03:46) Nephi gives advice to us, his latter-day audience.(06:40) A book will be delivered to an unlearned man. Like many of Isaiah’s words, this prophecy can be fulfilled in different ways.(08:59) Prevailing false ideas of our day include the belief that there is no God, or that God has already done his work and is not involved in our lives. Balance is required to understand truth. (13:50) The “eat, drink and be merry” philosophy. Seeing how God embodies both justice and mercy helps us to understand His true character as our father.(25:26) The Adversary stirs some to anger, others he pacifies and lulls into carnal security, leading them carefully to hell.(31:17) Nephi cautions against rejecting the Book of Mormon. More scripture will be revealed. A list of Early Christian Writings: https://www.earlychristianwritings.com/ → Bryce Dunford’s Institute classes are now available on podcast apps. Sign up here: http://brotherdunford.org/ → Enroll in Institute: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/si/institute?lang=eng → YouTube → Apple Podcasts → Spotify → Amazon Music → Facebook