Ep248 - Elliot Page | Choosing Self-Love

Talks at Google - A podcast by Talks at Google

Elliot Page is an Academy Award-nominated actor known for both tentpole and art house films. His love for storytelling and passion for social justice has now taken him behind the camera as a producer and documentary filmmaker whose work answers the call to action of a generation. A tireless champion of the under-represented, Elliot uses his global platform to shed light on important social and LGBTQ+ issues, partnering with the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice to raise money for grassroots activists and homeless youth. In 2020, Elliot announced that he is transgender. After coming out, Elliot received overwhelming support from the LGBTQ+ community and is now using his voice to speak out on issues of violence perpetrated against trans people, as well as confronting political leaders who seek to criminalize trans healthcare. In 2014, Elliot delivered a deeply moving and personal coming out speech at “Time to Thrive,” a conference that promotes the welfare of LGBTQ+ youth. The speech resonated with millions around the world who heard him share his desire to “make a difference, and help others have an easier, more hopeful time,” expressing what he deemed a “personal obligation and social responsibility.” Elliot’s courage, advocacy and leadership have made him one of the most admired and respected public figures of his generation. Moderated by Lauren Verrusio. Visit YouTube.com/TalksatGoogle to watch the video.