S11, Chapter 17: Closing Arguments
Tapes from the Darkside | Crime & Psychology - A podcast by T. Z. Borden

33% off all first time Patreon monthly and yearly memberships. Code DARK. Ends Thursday January 16 @ 11:59PM.https://www.patreon.com/tapesfromthedarksideAs this case winds down we have a tale of two closings arguments. A clunky closing from the defense — and a razor sharp one from the prosecution.Episode image:https://images2.imgbox.com/16/90/9fIzDm4U_o.jpg—Music:Augusta Treverorumhttps://linktr.ee/trvrrm20six Hundredhttps://20sixhundred.bandcamp.com/—Get free stocks AND help the podcast!Download moomoo and sign up using my link.Using my link you get:Up to 30 free stocks! (5 minimum)8.1% APY* on uninvested cashMy moomoo link:https://j.moomoo.com/01nmgm