Connected Learning for the Curious

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Laura Gogia shares about connected learning on this week’s Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode The most important part of [connected learning] is helping others understand the connections between all the different aspects of their life. —Laura Gogia It’s not a tool-first [mentality] … it’s which tool matches up with what I’m trying to achieve. —Laura Gogia Assessment becomes about documenting [the] process of learning. —Laura Gogia Resources Mentioned Connected Courses at Virginia Commonwealth University Journal for Prison re-entry Academic Transformation Lab at VCU Julian Sefton-Green Connected learning coaching Laura’s dissertation on connected learning Bonni mistakenly attributed this Twitter analysis tool to being introduced by Robert Talbert on the TIHE Slack channel, but it was actually Ken Bauer who shared it. Are You Enjoying the Show? Rate/review the show. Please consider rating or leaving a review for the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast on whatever service you use to listen to it on (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.). It is the best way to help others discover the show. Give feedback. As always, I welcome suggestions for future topics or guests. Subscribe. If you have yet to subscribe to the weekly update, you can receive a single email each week with the show notes (including all the links we talk about on the episode), as well as an article on either teaching or productivity.