How Curiosity Can Transform Lives and Change the World

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Scott Shigeoka shares about his book SEEK: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World on episode 508 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode It is a really beautiful experience to have multiple generations in the same house where we're all just living and learning alongside one another. -Scott Shigeoka Students can feel unsafe on their campuses because of the discourse or the lack of discourse. -Scott Shigeoka Resources SEEK: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World, by Scott Shigeoka Curiosity quiz I drove across the US to meet people I disagree with – and learned how to look beyond labels, by Scott Shigeoka in The Guardian Today Show Clip: How Being Deeply Curious Can Strengthen Connections UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center Death Doula Alta Arthur’s TED Talk: Why Thinking About Death Helps You Live a Better Life How Curiosity Can Help Us Overcome Disconnection, by Scott Shigeoka for the UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center