Online Engagement Through Digital PowerUps

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Travis Thurston shares how to engage learners with digital powers on episode 295 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode The virtual classroom doesn’t necessarily signal to students how the interaction is going to take place. -Travis Thurston It is really important for our learners to know why we are having them engage in something. -Travis Thurston Resources Mentioned Digital PowerUps Scaffolds and Hashtags to Empower Higher-Order and Humanized Student Engagement in Online Discussions, By Travis N Thurston 5-minute Recap of Travis’ 2017 Presentation on Digital PowerUps Pumpin' Up with Hans & Franz - SNL Renegade Leadership, by Brad Gustafson Young Girl-Old Woman Illusion Everything is a Remix Everything is a Remix: Part 3 - The Elements of Creativity Sample PowerUps Sample Discussion PowerUp Prompt Sample Digital PowerUp Discussion Post Sample Student Post with Create