Ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Maha Bali and Autumm Caines share about ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development on episode 252 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode A lot of the faculty development I offer is very different from my own professional development. —Maha Bali What’s hospitable in one context isn’t hospitable in another. —Autumm Caines Resources Mentioned A call for promoting ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development via connected learning, by Maha Bali and Autumm Caines Equity Unbound TIHE #223: But You Can't Do That in a STEM Course with Karen Cangialosi DigPINS.org Virtually Connecting Hypothes.is Dual-pathway MOOCs Dual-layer MOOCs Matt Crosslin’s website Twitter Journal Club Marginal Syllabus  Not Yet-Ness Intentionally-equitable Hospitality - new article coming soon Social Justice & Hybrid workshop opportunities at #oer19 Mozilla Open Leaders Rebecca Hogue CCC Digital Learning Day keynote  “Imagination of how things could be otherwise is central to the initiation of the transformative process”. (Mezirow, 2006/2018 p. 119).