Respect in the classroom

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Kevin Gannon shares ways how to respect our students in our teaching.   Podcast notes Guest: Kevin Gannon Kevin shares the "behind the scenes" backdrop of the photo with the alligator (above and on his blog-about page). Book mocking college students that Kevin mentions has been retitled, it appears. Ignorance is Blitz: Mangled Moments of History from Actual College Students Kevin quotes Maslow: If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. - Abraham Maslow On our perceptions of students Our students are our allies, not our adversaries in higher ed. - Kevin Gannon Movie dance compilation video (mentioned by Bonni): Shut Up and Dance I didn't go to grad school to be the behavior police. - Kevin Gannon Daniel Goleman - Social Intelligence “Dear students” blogs on The Chronicle Jesse Strommel’s response Everyone that comes into even casual contact with Vitae’s “Dear Student” series is immediately tarnished by the same kind of anti-intellectual, uncompassionate, illogical nonsense currently threatening to take down the higher education system in the state of Wisconsin… Giggling at the water cooler about students is one abhorrent thing. Publishing that derisive giggling as “work” in a venue read by tens of thousands is quite another. Of course, teachers need a safe place to vent. We all do. That safe place is not shared faculty offices, not the teacher’s lounge, not the library, not a local (public) watering hole. And it is certainly not on the pages of the Chronicle of Higher Education, especially in Vitae, the publication devoted to job seekers, including current students and future teachers. - Jesse Strommel Kevin’s revised “Dear student” post: Dear Student: You’ll get better at this. So will we. Faculty (a.k.a. former students) Recommendations Bonni recommends: Kevin's Blog, including these posts: On student shaming: Punching down My cell phone policy is to have no cell phone policy Kevin recommends: Learner-Centered teaching: Five Key Changes to Practice, Maryellen Weimer Discussion as a Way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques for Democratic Classrooms, Stephen Brookfield and Stephen Preskill (Bonni suggests/adds): Stephen Brookfield on Episode #015 of Teaching in Higher Ed The Skillful Teacher: On technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom, Stephen Brookfield