Strength Through Habits

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Natalie Houston talks about strength through habits. Quotes Habits save us tremendous time and energy, but they can also lead us to doing a lot of things mindlessly. —Natalie Houston Sometimes we have goals or intentions that are outdated, they’re from who we used to be. —Natalie Houston Habits often work really well when they’re connected to each other. —Natalie Houston If you successfully create one habit, it’ll be easier to create others. —Natalie Houston All of us have habits that we’re less than happy with and they’re there because they’re meeting some need. —Natalie Houston Resources TIHE episode 34: Practical Productivity in Academia (Natalie Houston) Natalie’s Blog: re:focus now Natalie’s articles at the Chronicle of Higher Education Book: The Power of Habit* by Charles Duhigg Three Steps to Creating a New Habit Identify why you want to create a new habit Get very clear and specific about how you’re going to measure that behavior Track your behavior Recommendations Bonni recommends: Lee Skallerup Bessette's Bad Female Academic posts Natalie recommends: Music Service: Focus at Will