Teach Students How to Learn

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Saundra Y. McGuire discusses how to teach students how to learn on episode 132 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Learning is a process, not an activity. –Saundra Y. McGuire Physical activity is really important to having the brain operate at peak efficiency. –Saundra Y. McGuire Pretending that you’re teaching information is a great way to practice retrieval of that information. –Saundra Y. McGuire Students who may be failing our courses miserably are not failing because they are not capable; they are failing because they don’t have strategies to successfully manage the information. –Saundra Y. McGuire When we believe it’s possible, then we can help students believe it’s possible. –Saundra Y. McGuire Resources Mentioned Teach Students How to Learn* by Saundra Y. McGuire Louisiana State University’s Center for Academic Success Mindset: The New Psychology of Success* by Carol Dweck Bloom’s taxonomy Earnest Everest Just ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices 150 ways to increase intrinsic motivation in the classrooms* by James P. Raffini Are You Enjoying the Show? Rate/review the show. Please consider rating or leaving a review for the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast on whatever service you use to listen to it on (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.). It is the best way to help others discover the show. Give feedback. As always, I welcome suggestions for future topics or guests. Subscribe. If you have yet to subscribe to the weekly update, you can receive a single email each week with the show notes (including all the links we talk about on the episode), as well as an article on either teaching or productivity.