You Must Remember This

Teaching in Higher Ed - A podcast by Bonni Stachowiak - Thursdays


Michelle D. Miller discusses why memory is important for learning - even in the age of Google on episode 348 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Ask students to link their learning to their own lives. -Michelle D. Miller Resources As Time Goes By Tending, befriending, and coping with upending: Takeaways from the first month of mass emergency remote education, by Michelle Miller Active learning, active pushback, and what we should take away from a new study of student perceptions, by Michelle Miller Deep Work, by Cal Newport Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology, by Michelle Miller Episode 26 with Michelle Miller: Minds Online Episode 291 with Michelle Miller: Learning Myths and Realities How to Make Smart Choices About Tech for Your Course, by Michelle Miller Episode 72 with Robert Bjork: How to Use Cognitive Psychology to Enhance Learning