Ep 204. The apprenticeship approach to writing instruction w/ Dr. Ruslana Westerlund
Teaching MLs - A podcast by Tan Huynh

You can access the article that Ruslana referenced in this podcast conversation. https://www.colorincolorado.org/article/teaching-writing-content-areas-research-practice Here are the links to some of my work connected to the conversation. Teaching Writing in the Content Areas: from Research to Practice https://www.colorincolorado.org/article/teaching-writing-content-areas-research-practice Teaching with the WIDA 2020 ELD Standards in a Second-Grade Literacy Block by Dr. Ruslana Westerlund Scaffolding Multilingual Learners’ Access to Wisconsin Social Studies Inquiry Through the WIDA ELD Standards by Dr. Ruslana Westerlund and Elizabeth Folberg Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners in Elementary and Secondary Schools available here on Routledge Making Language Visible in Social Studies: A Guide to Disciplinary Literacy in the Social Studies Classroom