Tech Top 6 – Data Protection Hoarding, Irresponsibility and Just Making It Up!

Tech Top 6 - A podcast by Mike Matchett and Warren Avery


Hey TT6 Fans! There has been a bit of a gap in our posting, so first some good news – four more episodes after this one have been produced while we’ve been waiting! But I also have some sad TT6 news. These will be the last episodes as the “IT Weekly Newsletter TT6” as Warren is retiring. I should say retiring again, as in “retiring-retiring for real this time”. This and the next three episodes will be TT6 as usual, but then we have a special final episode coming with Warren talking all about his career(s), the IT Weekly Newsletter, and of course, what’s next for the TT6. Be sure to check that one out! While Warren and I are still cooking in this episode, we cover articles about: * 3-2-1 Backup – No, it’s not a pop band* Predictive Analytics – You know, looking ahead* Data Hoarding – One more thing collecting dust* Corporate Data Irresponsibility – Can I be in charge of that?* Synthetic Data – Just making it up as we go along…* CISA Advice – Cause you need it! Are you sad to hear the final episodes of TT6 approaching? Happy for Warren’s impending freedom? Comments and words of sincere encouragement can be submitted right here on this secure form, and we’ll keep it just between us. You can still follow the TechTop6 in your favorite podcast source and we’ll keep you up to date on any future TT6 re-incarnations. And its not too late to give us a good rating if you liked what you heard on the TT6 so we can make more content along these lines.