Episode 22: Occultist and Scientists - Emanuel Swedenborg, the Prodigy

Test Tubes and Cauldrons - A podcast by Astralogical

Welcome back to the lab! In this episode the hosts dig into a hidden influential scientist turned mystic who had a huge impact on both our understanding of modern-day science and traditional witchcraft practices. Emanuel Swedenborg was a prodigy and striking example of a renaissance man with varying interests. He was the first to propose the proto-neuron theory, the structure of an atom nearly a century before its discovery and coined the term correspondence that is so widely used within the spiritual community today.We fell across Swedenborg during a previous episode and found him incredibly fascinating, so please join us as we dig into him further, unpacking his influences and trying to understand the cosmology he lived by.Come join our discord! https://discord.gg/kJthJyxTBcResources:Swedenborg Foundation Website: https://swedenborg.com/emanuel-swedenborg/A System of Occidental Occultism: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4046&context=ocj (has some unique insights into Swedenborg)Swedenborg: An Introduction to His Life and Ideas: https://www.amazon.com/Swedenborg-Introduction-His-Life-Ideas/dp/1585429384