Episode 34: The Mystery of Auras

Test Tubes and Cauldrons - A podcast by Astralogical

In this episode, the hosts explore the topic of auras. Do they hail from an ancient spiritual tradition, or is the truth somewhat more…colourful? Do we have an existing explanation for why some people see auras? How does aura photography work? And how might we use & apply these ideas within an spiritual practice? Tune in this week to hear us discuss these topics and more.RESOURCES:Milán, E. G., Iborra, O., Hochel, M., et al. (2012). Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(1), 258-268.Albrecht, D. S., Mainero, C., Ichijo, et al. (2019). Imaging of neuroinflammation in migraine with aura: A [11C] PBR28 PET/MRI study. Neurology, 92(17), e2038-e2050.Hadjikhani, N., Albrecht, D. S., Mainero, C., et al (2020). Extra‐axial inflammatory signal in parameninges in migraine with visual aura. Annals of neurology, 87(6), 939-949.Kilic, K., Karatas, H., Dönmez‐Demir, B., et al(2018). Inadequate brain glycogen or sleep increases spreading depression susceptibility. Annals of neurology, 83(1), 61-73.Jordan, N., & Trimble, T. (2008). Is the use of auras and chakras in new age practices related to synaesthetic experience. The Irish Psychologiest, (November), 75-80Mills, A. (2009).Kirlian photography. History of Photography, 33(3), 278-287.Join the discussion on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/kJthJyxTBc