Episode 4: The Magic of Research!

Test Tubes and Cauldrons - A podcast by Astralogical

In this episode we talk about research in multiple facets! How do we define it scientifically and can we apply a similar rigor to our occult research? We talk about the different types of sources, their reliability, and our own personal tips on how to be an effective researcher. Try not to crush any glassware under that stack of books!*Apologies for some mic feedback - we were in a different recording location this week!Come join our discord! https://discord.gg/kJthJyxTBcSince this episode is mostly opinion, we have opted to list a few books below that may be useful in helping you be a more effective researcher and critical thinker!How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life by Thomas GilovichThinking Fast and Slow by Daniel KahnemanBad Science by Ben Goldacre (a great book on recognizing fallible science)Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (3rd edition) by John W. CreswellThe Craft of Research (4th edition) by Wayne C. Booth, Joseph Williams, and Gregory G. Colomb