Threshold confusion: aerobic, anaerobic, lactate, functional - help! | EP#71
That Triathlon Show - A podcast by Mikael Eriksson

There's a lot of confusion around the concept of thresholds in endurance sports and triathlon. In this episode you'll get a clear and concise explanation that will help you understand thresholds once and for all. IN THIS EPISODE YOU'LL LEARN ABOUT: What the terms aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold, lactate threshold, ventilatory threshold, functional threshold, and other related terms really mean How the thresholds relate to your training How the thresholds relate to your racing Why it is important to understand the thresholds to train optimally for your event-specific limiters LISTENER QUESTIONS: If you have questions that you want me to answer on the show or off the show (in an email), send me your question via email or Twitter (contact information below). SHOWNOTES LINKS AND RESOURCES: Interpreting Lactate Curves for Ironman Athletes Time for a lactate test? Does the aerobic threshold correlate with the maximal fat oxidation rate in short stage treadmill tests? Thresholds - Lactate Testing RATE AND REVIEW: If you enjoy the show, please help me out by subscribing, rating and reviewing: Send feedback, questions or just wanna chat? CONTACT me at [email protected] or connect on Twitter - my handle is @SciTriat.