0084 Film Review The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
The 00 Files - a James Bond podcast - A podcast by The 00 Files - a James Bond podcast

Put on your Royal Naval Uniform, grab a microfilm and jump into a Lotus Esprit: it’s time for our review of The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)! Martin, Tyler, Anthony and Don discuss the BIGGEST, the BEST, it’s Bond and Beyond! Along the way we try to figure out how exactly Sandor can obey Jaws, how to travel from Egypt to Sardinia by train and how to construct a Wetbike in mere minutes. You better watch out for the following: - Egyptian treasures to delve into… - Bishop’s mitres and oratories. - Pterois volitans, handsome but deadly. - Showering Majors. Please share our podcast with your friends! Follow us on social media, contact us at [email protected] or visit our website www.the00files.com. The 00 Files. Shaken, but not stirred… Touché!